Police defraud complainant, threaten to detain him

Police defraud complainant, threaten to detain him


Police are good citizens of Nigeria but some are corrupt. I was in a place around 9.00pm, and an engineer asked me to pay for service he didn’t give.

I felt so bad I went to the police to make a complain. At the police station, an officer asked me to make a report but said that I will pay N500 before they admit my statement.

He asked me to give him the amount. I did hoping that we will go to the counter to make my statement. Surprisingly, soon as he got d money from me he went straight to buy a can of powerhorse drink.

Then, I realized he is a corrupt officer. In fact, I struggled to collect my balance of N250 from him 1hr 30mins later. He was threatening and planning to lock me up till 11pm.

I had to run home with the N250 balance.

By CR Olaitan